Parking Services
Aloha and welcome! Please select an option below to take care of any of your parking needs. If you have any questions, please contact us at wailana@eliteparking.net or 808-734-7559.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s changing?
- State of the art TIBA automated parking equipment will be installed
- New features provided by the equipment allow for a smoother process for entry and exit
Will there be any construction or lane closures during the install?
- There will be vendors on site, which will be doing work to get the parking system installed and setup
- Their impact will be minimal to all entry and exit traffic
- We do not anticipate any lane closures or detours at this time
When will we start using the new TIBA automated parking equipment?
- The new system will be operational on May 1, 2019
How will the new equipment affect customer parking?
- Customers will pull a ticket at the entry machine upon arrival
- Tenants will validate parking tickets with their specific barcode validations
- Customers will pay for their parking at at a machine when exiting
What is the grace period?
- 10 minutes
- The grace period is the amount of time you have to exit the garage without being charged upon first entry
What is an exit period?
- An exit period is the amount of time a customer has to exit the garage after paying at the pay station
Where should our customers pay for their parking ticket?
- Customers will return to their vehicles and drive to the exit of the garage
- They will insert their ticket into the exit station machine
- The price owed will be displayed (if any)
- The customer will then pay for their parking charge with a credit card
What forms of payment will be accepted?
- Credit Card Only – No cash will be accepted
How will the new equipment affect tenant/monthly parking?
- Card keys will be issued and used for entry and exit
What if I get a new car?
- You must notify the parking manager so they they can update the system
What if I’m driving a rental?
- If you are driving a rental for a short period of time, please let the parking manager know, but utilize your card key for entry and exit
What if I have a new car with paper plates?
- Please notify the parking manager, and utilize your card key for entry and exit
- When your new license plates come in, please update your information with the form above
How will validations work with the TIBA system?
- Every tenant will have their own set of customer barcode validation stickers
- These validations are specific, and are capable of being tracked individually via the sticker number
- Only one (1) validation sticker can be used per ticket – No stacking
Only 1 validation sticker per ticket? How is that supposed to work?
- The TIBA system is designed to be automated, and therefore is unable to read multiple validation sticker per ticket
- Validations will be offered in multiple increments, allowing you to select what time duration you wish to validate for
How much are validations?
- Validations will be billed back monthly based on usage
- You will be billed at the exact same validation rate you were already paying
- An invoice will be generated, and sent to you via email, along with the backup report of usage directly from the TIBA system
What do you mean bill back based on usage?
- If you put a 4 hour validation on your customers ticket, and your customer only stays for 2 hours, you will only be billed back for the 2 hours
- Think of the validation increment printed on the sticker as the “UP TO” amount which you will be billed back for. You will not be billed back for anything over that amount
- If you put a 4 hour validation on your customers ticket, and your customers stays for 5 hours, you will only be billed back for 4 hours, and your customer will have to pay the posted rate for the 5th hour.
Where do I order validations?
- Visit the website https://eliteparking.net/wailana
- Use the form to submit your validation order
How do I get my validations I ordered?
- Validation pickup will be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays only
- All validation orders must be placed by 12pm the day prior
- Any validations ordered after 12pm the day prior will be fulfilled on the next pickup day
How do I pay for my validations?
- Only CHECK or CREDIT CARD payments will be allowed for validations
- Please make checks payable to Elite Parking Services
- Please contact the parking manager to handle payments via credit card