Parking Rules and Regulations
- All payments are due by the 7th of each month
- No cash payments will be accepted
- Make checks payable to “Elite Parking Services”
- Please note on your check the name registered on your account
- Return check charge is $25
- There will be no substitutions, vacation credits, or prorated charges
- A 5% PROCESSING FEE will apply to all payments monthly
- All checks must be mailed to:
Elite Parking Services
Attn: Ohana East
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1240
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 - Make checks payable to “Elite Parking Services”
- Please note on your check the name registered on your account
- Return check charge is $25
- There will be no substitutions, vacation credits, or prorated charges
- Payments will be processed on the 1st of every month
- You will receive a PANDADOC “Credit Card Authorization Form” via email
- This is a secure PCI Compliant form for inputting your credit card information
- For information regarding the security of the process, you may visit
- Be sure that your credit card information is correct to reduce processing delays
- If you have not received the form, please check your SPAM folder
- Payments received after 7th, will be incur a $25.00 late fee charge per cardholder
- Parking account will be deactivated until parking charges are paid in full
- Cardholder will be liable to pay the daily parking rate
- No refunds for daily parking will be given
- There will be a non-refundable $25 activation fee for all new parking registrations
- Individual must complete a monthly parking cancellation form
- This must be done 30 days prior to cancellation
- Parking Access Cards and Decals must be returned on or before the end of the month
- Parking fees will not be prorated for partial months
- Multiple attempts to enter or exit will cause your parking account to be in passback
- An out of sequence example would be trying to use your card to enter again, if you have not already scanned to exit
- This behavior is a misuse of your parking, and could result in termination of your parking
- A permanent decal will be assigned after your application has been processed
- Decals will only be provided for Reserved Stalls and Reserved Levels
- Decals should be applied to the BOTTOM LEFT CORNER of the inside of the windshield
- Failure to display your decal may result in your vehicle being towed and parking terminated
- All vehicles must have a “Front License Plate”
- It is required to keep your vehicle information current at all times
- Your license plate(s) are registered to your account and will allow entry and exit
- Should any of your vehicle information change, you must notify the parking manager
- Speed Limit in the garage is 5MPH
- Be alert to pedestrians walking
- Failure to comply could result in termination of your parking
- Do not leave any valuables in car
- Please remember to lock your vehicle
This agreement licenses holder to park one automobile in the parking facility. Only rental space license guarantee, and no bailment is created. The management shall not be responsible for fire, theft, damage, or loss to said automobile or any other article left in it. This constitutes the entire contract, and customer, by signing, acknowledges receipt of a copy hereof and acknowledges that he/she has read and agrees to abide by the foregoing and by the rules and regulations of the Elite parking facility.